Book Review : How to Finish Everything You Start | by Jan Yager

Unfinished books, tv series, house projects, office projects, personal projects and what not. We all have those piles of unfinished things everywhere around us. Some, not so important and some, are so important that would lead us to further consequences at work and home. So, there needs to be a discipline to finish everything you start. But how?

There, Jan Yager comes with a book aptly named that - How to Finish Everything You Start. Well, to be frank I am not someone who swear by such books (self-help, self-improvement) and having read only 3 books as far as I can remember, I was a bit apprehensive to read it. But then, the subject itself is so clear and that, made me start it. And well, it has been enriching experience as I finished it (technically, because such books need to be referred again and again). Applying FINISH approach to any stage any project of your life, you can not only finish your task but finish it so effectively, you can further expand your horizons and be ready for more such challenges. This, the author has put in nicely with a good amount of exercises and worksheet thrown in every now and then.

What I liked the most about the book is those worksheets, yes. You can immediately refer to them as and when required and you can know instantly where to focus, where you are lacking confidence and where the things are going wrong. At just 244 pages, (that too, a rich bibliography in last few pages) this book is breeze to read and apply to your real life. Even, as a team leader at your workplace, you can transfer this knowledge to your sub-ordinates as well. As it is said in local Indian saying, that knowledge increases when you share it. Absolutely. Do go for it, and see how it makes you more effective in anything you do. 

Book Review | Mohanaswamy by Vasudhendra, translated by Rashmi Terdal

Perhaps, this is the first time I am reading an Indian LGBT themed book, and I think this is the best one can start with. Vasudhendra's semi biographical (I can safely bet on that) collection of stories is nothing but absolutely real. Something, we either even felt with ourselves or have seen around us, growing up in small towns, villages and closely knit communities. The sexual descriptions are toned down and still they felt effective as it should. Instead of making it a novel, a continuous tale of Mohanaswamy, author makes it in irregular fashioned stories collection, which sometimes moves in present, sometimes goes back to Mohana's earlier days, and at a few places, the central character changes. This is the beauty of the book that it creates altogether a little world in which Mohanaswamy has lived till now. I am not too efficient in writing about the feelings described by the author, but yes, the characters are alive and you feel the same feelings. The finale is the best one from the lot, as it ought to be. A highly recommended, this little collection of tales, translated effectively from Kannada by Rashmi Terdal. 

Book Review | Around the world in 80 cocktails by Chad Parkhill

Not an avid drinker I am (and actually, I am living in a state where alcohol is prohibited, alas), but whenever I got a chance to visit bars or lounges, the menu always confused me. Especially, the exotic named cocktails, which I would surely want to try, but won't find a way to identify what goes in the glass. Oh, what an enlightenment this book is, in that sense. 

So, here I am talking about 'Around the world in 80 cocktails' by Chad Parkhill. When I saw snippet shared by Jaico, I was impressed immediately by the cover design. The gorgeous illustration by Alice Oehr. I didn't know the whole book is illustrated, until I read about it. And that couldn't hold my excitement. And it was worth indeed. The book is absolutely beautiful on each page, even the 'index' and 'further reading' sections are not left out. Eye pleasing at each page!

To be frank, i know nothing about preparing the cocktails, nor don't know a thing about what all goes in. But yes, somewhere inside me is a little chef who often lays hands on all things gastronomic. So, this is a good chance to be famous whenever I am around my cousins at those little little house parties. Chad Parkhill's style of starting each chapter with historical tales for each cocktail in question-makes it more immersive and interesting. From outrageous names like Bamboo, between the sheets and even 'Screaming orgasms' to interesting serving styles like serving in a skull, serving in a bath tub with rubber duckie and even in a blood bag in a kidney dish. The anecdotes keep you interested.

For the sheer beauty of one page and the information and the fantastic recipes on the other - this is a book for everyone who are into illustrated books or even just a person who knows how to be in a good spirit. Pun intended.

Ghoomophiro | by Himadri Garg | Book Review

Just when we, our family, were planning for a vacation, which is long due - this book came into my notice. There couldn't be any perfect time for this. In cycle of day to day life, a usual, boring but has-to-do kind of working life exhausts all of us and definitely we deserve a break. Not alone, but with family, with everyone, whom you have grown up with. This works like a therapy and even result into clarify the misunderstandings, making everyone open.

Ghoomophiro by Himadri Garg, tells a story of such a family indeed. Set in near future, Kritika and Nikita - the two Kumar sisters, plan a vacation at Andamans with their families which in regular times-are stuck on their digital screens working and even recreating. And pages by pages they reveal how once they conquered the world, travelling on their own.

Author Himadri smartly integrates the how-to-travel points in this story. Be it talking about travelling responsibly so that environment is not harmed, how to travel light while keeping yourself healthy, keep yourself safe and be mindful to feelings of the locals. These all things are wonderfully put in the chapters broken in categories. Also, it paints a picture, how our present irresponsible behavior to our nature, can lead to disasters. A scary one.

Though I found the printing a bit congested, as paragraphs go on and on, so it hinders the speed of reading. That's the only glitch in the otherwise interesting read. 

So there. Who doesn't love to travel?! But to travel with a change, while leaving a lasting impression of yours and of the places in your mind-you should change the way you travel. This book smartly teaches you a few lessons. And yes, want to go fly to your next favorite destination.