Barfi ! : Movie Review

Ranbir. How can one 'not' love this guy? No resemblance to his (legendary) ancestors, he on himself has created his own charm, his own style of act that is inimitable. Oozing brilliance in each frame that proves that (stealing words of my fav critic) 'he himself is his own competition'. In the title role of Murphy, Ranbir Kapoor has lived the characters, so brilliantly, that perhaps even the creator of the character wouldn't have thought. 

Barfi! - is story of Murphy, a deaf mute guy and Jhilmil-an autistic girl. Oh, so now you will think of other movies that made you feel pity/ made fun of differently abled persons. Well, this one, is definitely not one of them. This, is simply, a fairy tale involving the two - and told by third protagonist. Shruti - who falls for Murphy (who wouldn't?). Murphy, despite of his disabilities, is specially abled. to make everyone happy, everything around him - go cuddly soft just because of him. His Charlie Chaplin inspired mannerisms are There isn't a single preachy / glycerin induced moment that makes the movie so original, far from typecast. And you know it from the very first - even before the first frame of the movie is shown. Highly innovative 'Picture shuru..' sung by Swanand Kirkire that is played during pre-title acknowledgements is the most innovative idea - giving hint of the originality of the movie. The storytelling makes you fall in love with everything going on the screen. Thank You Anurag Basu for bringing us back to childhood. 

Set in Darjeeling and partially in Kolkata, Ravi Verman's lens infuse instant love affair with the celluloid. There are times when there is hardly any 'talk' going on the screen. But the flawless camerawork speaks and moves you. 'The umbrella scene', is just an example of that brilliance when there is hardly any background score present. But Ranbir's act and the camera does make you cry. On the other hand, its Pritam's score that makes you drool over the ongoings. Its been ages since we heard something so cheerful and colorful as 'itti si hansi' and 'Kyon'. The movie wouldn't have been the same without the songs & the background score - fabulously done by Pritam. 

While Ranbir is - Love at first frame, Priyanka's Jhilmil - is someone that takes time to grow. But when she does, one would forget there is an actress on the screen. I had fear she might be like 'female SRK' in this one. Thankfully she's not. She's so perfect, its hard to imagine someone else on her place. Director's touch. And, another lady, oh my ! Ileana D'cruz is so ravishing and her act is equally, flawless. At each stage of her age, she portrayed perfect part. (Thank Lord, Katrina refused this role). Even, the supporting leads like - Akash Khurana as Murphy's dad, Roopa Ganguly as Shruti's mom, Barfi's partner in crime and Saurabh Shukla. Everyone has their own share to make Barfi - a heartfelt experience. 

Ofcourse, its not a perfect one. Nothing in the world is. Barfi has its flaws in second half, while the story unnecessarly gets itself into twists and turns and thriller like things. Even there is a lag in pace towards the climax. But handled by Basu and Kapoor - in the end forgive these glitches when you see Barfi and Jhilmil dancing to Chhau dance and later, Itti si hansi. You know its been a great experience when you leave the hall with broad smile and moist corners of your eyes. Barfi, a fairytale, a poetry, a delicious dish you would want to have again and again and that too, feeling free from guilt. Easily, the best of this year. 

Tags : Barfi movie review, murphy munna, ranbir kapoor, ileanan dcruz wallpapers, jhilmil, autism, autistic, anurag basu, pritam background music barfi, film review barfi, darjeeling toy train