Coraline [2009] : Mini Reviews

Based on a fantasy novella written by Neil Gaiman that has dashes of horror too, Coraline is one wonderful-beautiful little animation movie. Its a story about little girl named Coraline, who moves to new house where she find a small door that takes her to a new beautiful world, where all things that she dreams of-happens. But soon, she gets to realize its a trap of a witch.

The movie is made with step motion 3D, graphics are excellent, taking us to lovely world of fantasy. Sharp screenplay holds up the attention, that when the movie reaches its dark part, it does scare the viewer even though its just an animation flick. How the little protagonist fights and saves her family is an excellent tale. Though, some traces of Alice in Wonderland are there, like the secret door to another world, a cat friend etc., but Coraline has a unique storyline that makes a must watch.

As it happens with every animated movie, I can never get tired of re-watching such wonderful fables.

Who said there is only one - Pixar? 

Tags : Coraline Movie Review, Henry Selick, Coraline Book, Focus Features

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