Aa Dekhen Zara : Movie Review

Borrowing Aamir's words; I would like to say, 'I thouroughly enjoyed myself'. But this is not for Barah Aana, its for Director Jehangir Surti's 'Aa Dekhen Zara'. A sci-fi thriller which is a rare genre in Bollywood.

Without giving further details about the story, [as it is available everywhere] I would like to put quick take. ADZ is a brilliant work of fast paced screenplay. Though it slows down a little bit in second half, but that too was needed to develop the mystery and reveal new truths about the story. That worked very well. Otherwise it would have been monotonus. Also the movie has got such a unique story. Yes, there are many movies about future prediction and future visions. But this was such a crispy new idea that 'clicked'.

Bips looks wooooooooooooooooooooow. Loved her in each each frame. She is getting gorgeous day by day. In Bachna Ae Haseeno she was great and here she breaks that too. And well, she pairs up with Neil well too, even while Neil is so younger than her. The pairing looks confortable with each other. As a DJ, also she looks hawt. The bit I loved most of her was the song 'Mohabbat Aapse' when she hides behind the mic and silently cries. ooh...

Neil, is good. But not as good as Johnny Gaddar. I think this time, in this role he could have done this much better. Still, he suits the role and plays his part honestly, and succeeds. He needs to improve his voice and dancing too. Cause besides this, there are more genre he is gonna work in the bollywood. Isnt' it? My fav scene of him was when he says Rahul Dev: 'Main Khatam, tum khatam'.

Its Rahul Dev, who makes impact. In this 'few characters' movie, he leaves everyone with his impression. Okay, agree he looks quite older than he was used to. I think a good stylist could have done things better for him. But his role was developed very well. And as a baddy he worked. And loved the bit, when a shop gets looted and he alongwith Neil, runs away from there, in a nick of time he takes away SpiderMan comics !! And reads it on the way !!

Director Jehangir has chosen a pretty tough subject. Where in Bolly, sci-fi movies are a big risk. Only superhit I know is Mr India. After that, no one succeeded in the genre. And here in this movie, director gets full marks. Because he is not tempted in putting special effect heavy scenes or flying objects [though there couldn't be, in this story] But keeping everything simple he made this way more crisp with elements of mystery. Quite like Edge of Seat, what will happen next...movie. There were some technical flaws cause story deals with Date and Time. But given a Masala Movie, forgive him.

Pritam, ummm..well has given an *average* score to this one. Given a hit soundtrack, this movie could have done wonders.

I will go with 3 out of 5 for this one. Its a good masala entertainer. Watch it for sizzling Bips and yummy fresh story idea.

Last thoughts :
Neil should have given the camera to Bobby Deol and Producers of 'Ek', atleast they could have postponed release of their movie :D

Shall we wait for 'Aa Time Dekhen Zara"?


  1. Yah!! I'm glad you thoroughly enjoyed it! I agree with everything you said.

    Didn't want to be too harsh on Neil cause I know people expect A LOT from him!

    Bips is amazing. I simply love and adore her!

    Rahul Dev is quite underrated. I agree.

    Sophie was a waste though.

    If the film wasn't fast-paced and fun, I may have not liked it as much.

    I don't think I've ever seen Mr. India. Now, I must since it's being brought up everytime I read about ADZ.

  2. The review is impressive. Neil was fantastic in Johnny Gaddar, so the expectations were always there.
    The story seems good too.
    And now that Rahul Dev has polished his skills in the south-Indian industry, we should see more of him :)

  3. Haven't seen this yet. But after yours and Raghav's reviews, I'm looking forward to it :)

  4. I'm looking forward to seeing this on DVD, if only for Bips and Sophie ;) As always, thank you dude. Doesn't Krrish qualify as sci-fi?

  5. Nicki Yup, Sophie was total waste. Even she didn't look 'that' good. Remember her in Pyar ke side effects?? she was hawt in it.
    And OMG :o haven't u seen MrIndia yet?

    Sujoy Thanks man. I loved Neil in Johnny. Maybe this time I was expecting more, as Nicki also said. And I didn't know Rahul's doing southies. Yes, we should see more of him, but hey, with better stylist [especially hair :-P]

    Bhargav Welcome Back !! And hey, missed your take on this. Go On, waiting for ur review on this.

    theBollywoodFan DVD haan?? Okay, but watch in home theatre, rather than in bedroom :-P.

    You are always welcome man. And about Krrish, It was I think more about Superhero, then about qualifying as Sci-Fi. [or maybe I am wrong] Cause it was far more emphasized on Hrithik. I know, there are sci-fi movies I am missing while writing this. Help..any listing comin up?

    And hell...why did Shekhar Kapur went away in Holly?? I was dying to see his TimeMachine [sigh...Aamir]

  6. Hey, nice review there - haven't seen it - because i've got bloody exams coming up! :-)

    Once the exams - results ordeal is over, I'm going to go on a movie watching spree.

    (ps - am quite pleasantly surprised to see someone from Ahmedabad blog so passionately - because nobody I know from the city blogs! :-) keep up the good work!)

  7. Wht's in a name? (Phew...hard to type it) :D Thanks a lot. Welcome to my blog. Thanks again for finding my little blogism 'passionate'. Only language is quite barrier for me. But I neva mind it. And keep on blogging. And yeah, we Amdavadis are quite business minded people. So have rather less time for such leisure. isn't it?

    So you gonna start watching spree from this movie? Would love to read your rather light take on this. You r doin' gr8 on ur blog.

    Best of luck with exams !
