8x10 Tasveer : Movie Review

Director Nagesh Kukunoor this time, has shifted his focus from rather heart warming or light hearted films to one which leaves your heart beating faster. [well, somewhat]. A suspense thriller-a 'whodunnit movie' -a genre I always have fun watching. And ofcourse Nagesh is one of my favorite director who in past have made such gr8 movies like Dor, Iqbal, Rockford..just to name a few. So naturally expectations are there. But given this one is starred by Akshay kumar, and some past movies of Akshay which are not my piece of cake, I was on low profile for this movie. But surprisingly It fared well with me. And My first words after the movie were 'why the hell Akki doesn't do much roles like this?'

8x10 is a story about Jai [Akshay] who has this supernatural power to see through a picture and go into the past to find out what was happening around when the picture has been taken. One day his father Jatin [Benjamin Gilani] dies by heart attack, on a boat while partying with business partners [Girish Karnad, Anant Mahadevan, Rushad Rana] and wife Savitri [Sharmila Tagore]. While Jai thinks this is not a heart attack but his father has been murdered. Though he didn't believed in father's business having parted ways and living seperate, with live-in relationship with lovely Sheela [Aayesha Takia], still he goes on quest to find the truth. Happi-a detective [Javed Jaffery] helps him through the quest. And then, circumstances leaves him stunned in a rather shocking revelations towards the climax.

Though storyline seems familier like any other supspense movie, where people trying to own their own piece of property in big empire. The treatment here is rather different. Well, different in the sense, in bollywood. First of all, the point of going through supernatural way, is quite an interesting pick. Though the scenes to execute this, are rather boring. A sharp editing was needed there. There was no need to show that everytime the fancy fast forward graphics to go back in past, and trauma of Jai while he is in past..This could have been shorter in later scenes of the movie, cause till then everyone has been familier to that. Also the climax runs a little bit over the time. Besides that, editing is quite good. And that is assured by surprising length of the movie : 125 Minutes !! As mentioned story is rather familier with some very interesting twists that leaves you jaw dropped when climax reveals. Also Nagesh has brilliantly selected a point where Intermission comes. The scene he has put in there, is a smart move that keep audience running towards hall back, before the interval is over. Characters are well executed with smart selection of each one. Nice to see Girish Karnad, Anant and Benjamin all together in one place.

Technically the film is excellent. It has been shot beautifully in picturesque Canada. This is perhaps most well shot movie of recent times. I could see shades of M.Night Shyamlan in Nagesh's work. [and I know he is influenced by Shyamalan]. The way he treated this story, with silent going ons. And mysterious characters, and so on. I remember what effect the camerawork did in a 'car v/s Akki' scene; and also the one-Underwater sequence. On the other side, I was thinking this could be much better if the climax, after the exposure of things, could have been better. That way this movie could be one of the best of genre. bUt anyways...

Performances of the movie are rather all good. Everyone suits and performs their character very well. Akshay this time having a straight face, unlike monkeyish acts in recent movies. And I loved this avatar of him. He shows off his talent by doing mind blowing action sequences and at the same time some serious acts, both have been put together. Aayesha Takia is a sweety. I love her any time. [and I felt sad when title credits rolled...Aayesha Takia Azmi ...:( ] And she plays her part as an eye candy, perfectly. Javed Jaffery is a delight to watch as a detective having OCD. Sharmila Tagore as mother of Akki, plays her part well. Wish there could be more of her. But in a 'maa' role, this was quite enough. [ahh..the dimples...] Rest of the cast, Girish Karnad, Anant Mahadevan, Rushad Rana and Benjamin Gilani, all are perfect for their role. No one seems odd choice in here. Even a small character Sally-a nurse in hospital played by Piya Shah, is very good.

Music is pretty above average. Besides it sounds like Sanjay Gupta's movies, the soundtrack fits into the movie well. And also, given only one song throughout the running time, its good cause there is no need in suspense movie. The opening sequence having 'Nazara hai' is graphically very well designed, creating mood for the movie. One song that comes 'in' the movie, 'Kuchh is tarah' is lovely song sung by Mohit Chauhan. And as End Credits, its Bohemia again after CC2C and gives an impressive track.

All in all, if you love suspense thrillers and don't mind putting your thinking caps aside for sometime, this movie is for you. And after so long time a movie has came that keeps you thinking 'whodunnit'. Your focus shifts from one to another. And that's quite enjoyable thing. But I warn you, this has very much surprising [or should I say, shocking..] revelation as suspense opens. So dont listen to the story before watching the movie.

I go with 3.25 out of 5 stars. This could have been better with crisp editing of trauma sequences and some cliches.


  1. Great! I love these types of film genres too. I will definitely watch it when it hits dvd. Thanka so much for the review!

  2. i liked his movie dor.

  3. story line was just ok..plot was weak..even screenplay

  4. I'm not too sure if I want to watch this one. Akshay Kumar is not really my cup of tea. But since it's a Kukunoor film, I might give it a shot. The music is pretty good.

  5. Nicki I am sure you gonna love it.

    Zendgai Migzara Welcome to my blog. Yes, Dor indeed was a masterpiece from Nagesh. I loved it very much. Even, above Iqbal, i would put it.

    joiedevivre Welcome Back. Umm...story was quite of regular kind. But the execution is interesting here. The Hollywood touch is there still Bolly. So that makes it watchable. And hey how abt interesting suspense?

    Bhargav I think you have seen it by now probably. Me too, Akshay is not on my 'want to see every movie of him' list. But I liked him in Namastey London. And this is one where I liked him too. And yes, Music is quite suitable to the movie.

  6. Rockford was far better movie than this, despite of its low budget. He could've made its remake instead of this crap. The story became 100% bogus in the last half hour (twin-brothers-separated at childhood, nonsense underwater scenes & what was Javed Jaffery doing in the movie?).

  7. Well Shantanu, I would say, the low key performances and feel of the movie is what made me enjoy this flick. And the underwater sequence and the revelation was quite filmy, yet fun to watch and that made me like this movie :)
