Sarkar Raj

Guess..who’s back? Back again !!
Yes, RGV must be singing this after getting rave reviews for his latest factory product. This time, a tried and tasted ‘Sequel’ is here to save this maker who had got lost it since last two years. Sarkar Raj, a sequel to Sarkar is a well made, tight bound movie.

[mind it!! I will never compare this movie to its earlier part sarkar, because I treat each movie as a different one]

Unlike other sequels, this doesn’t start where earlier was ended. Story moves further with lives and times of characters. Shankar [Abhishek] moves on following Sarkar’s [Amitabh] footsteps, gets married with Tanishaa and he is on the way to become a successor to his father. But as a rule of Politics, there are always rivals. Who are there to take care of your good times turning into bad times. Anita [Aish] is owner of a power plant company. Rivals get together and get to meet Shankar and Anita for a big project in Maharashtra. All a part of big plan.
Beauty of the direction is that all these things happen just in first three scnes.

That’s RGV. No nonsense and straight action. Movie starts of very well with these line of story. Even a title sequence, is a signature RGV. A overhead crane shot, long shot of a common road, and camera following a car going into Sarkar’s home. Camera work is awesome, as earlier good movies like Company, Satya and Bhoot.

Movie goes further with introduction to Sarkar’s guru living at Thakurwadi, where power plant is going to be built. These outdoor sequences are also picturised very well. The confrontation between Sarkar and his guru is really good. Dialogues are well written, we can see spark onto screen.

The movie goes further [u know! I don’t like to reveal story in review]. And it goes smoothly. None of the scene in the movie, where you feel that this is a useless scene. Screenplay is very well written. Camera and lighting is damn good. Many scenes in home of sarkar, are having lighting arrangement as a morning sunlight coming into room. Only faces are shown talking to each other. One scene I can remember is- Sarkar talking about his elder son Vishnu [Kay Kay] whom Shankar killed in last part. Sarkar is thinking that where was he mistaken about his own son, and Shankar assuring him there wasn’t his mistake. The scene really has got power performance and camerawork. This trick is used in many crucial scenes of movie. Dusky lighting rays and shadows and faces. This is what Ramu has mastered.

Action sequences are a few, but they are also well executed. There is a one in jungle, with foggy atmosphere. Technically, its always a treat watching Ramu’s flicks. Background score is so good, but 3 songs are a much for this kind of movie. The Govinda theme-revisited, gives you goosebumps.

Talking about performances, everyone is as good as ever. At least, Mr Bachchan didn’t disappointed me this time. I am not a fan of him, but I liked his new innings after Mohabbatein, but again he got dud, doing useless movies including Sholay remake, and featuring in tit bit roles. This one is very balanced performance. Similarly Abhishek repeats his Sarkar performance. Not much improvement than that, but above average than that. Surprisingly, I liked Aishwarya in this !! Actually I was never a fan of her too. But I did like Shabd, only. This time she has done a good job in this tit bit type role. After all, it’s a RGV movie, where heroines are just filler. But still she manages to leave an impact as a businesswoman.

One thing worth mentioning here is, RGV has not tried what everyone is keen onto. To cash-on Abhi-Aish. No useless things are shown between both of them. I extremely liked climax of the movie, where the plot gets revealed in front of her by Sarkar. That is a goosebumps moment. Also setting a stage for yet another installment of movie, yes a third part. Be prepared!! Supriya Pathak is very likable. A typical mother, yet good performance. One scene between the two-Sarkar and his wife, is so sweet. Supriya was as likable as in Sarkar she was. Bad guys [I cant remember name of any of them] are always rocking in RGV movies. Victor Banerjee [as father of Anita] also does a good job as a business tycoon [though he has a 10 minutes performance].

Overall, its an engaging movie which sticks you to your seats. A good affair to be with, for 2.5 hours. I would like to rate is 3 stars. because last 10 minutes are a little bit [little means liiiiiiiiiitle…….bit] stretched and a bad song [which I didn’t liked, but this kind of movie can’t have Soorila songs, mind it!]. So that’s only my opinion.
Go watch it! Now it’s a good start of the year for RGV. While he will be offering ‘Contract’ [an underworld movie-what Ramu has mastered] in July, and ‘Phoonk’ [a superstitious thriller-again his territory] in August. And still many more…….

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous15:05

